Toraja Trip


In April 2021, Wahyu and photographer Thasya travelled from Makassar to meet with DSTV. 

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During this trip, Wahyu and Thasya consulted with Victor and the DSTV crew about their archive, and collected the footage they concluded to share. This involved combing through the boxes of DVDs and Hard drives that comprise the DSTV video archive. They accompanied and observed DSTV on a couple of jobs, spent some time with them going about their day-to-day and conducted interviews with the crew. This was also an opportunity to connect with some of the people Chris and Sam had met on previous trips, and update them in person on the progress of the ongoing documentary project. Wahyu also had the chance to properly explain the 4-channel video project, and consult with DSTV in finer detail about their cultural, technical and aesthetic sensitivities. A year and a half since anybody from the Sipakatuo crew has been to Toraja, it was a pleasure to reconnect with Victor, Ma Elo, Paul, Egy, Edo, Arnol and the rest of the DSTV family!